Those aren’t my words. Followers of mine on Facebook and Vine have recently called me “the most interesting dog in the world”. I can’t say I know all the dogs out there to be able to judge this, but with an ego already through the roof, I’m not sure what harm there is in bashfully accepting this title.
If you follow me on my social networks, you’ll likely know that I just won the award for Best Active Living Blog at the Petties! This just goes to show that flexing really does pay off.
But seriously, it’s got to tell you something when the Best Active Living award goes to a dachshund, a dog which is commonly misjudged as being a lap dog, or one that doesn’t need much exercise. Anyone who owns a dachshund knows we’re hunting dogs at heart, bred to pursue ferocious badgers.
Once I found out I won, I couldn’t resist throwing a quick celebratory pose in my nicest jacket and tie. At first I thought I’d go tout nude for this one to showcase my winning physique, but I figured the award speaks enough for itself.
I’m not the only one who promotes an active lifestyle though. There was another dachshund blog (rather ironically) in the same category as me. I’m talking about, a blog dedicated to helping small dogs (and mainly dachshunds) live an active and healthy lifestyle, especially through hiking. Be sure to check them out.
I think the Petties is missing a few award categories though. I can really picture myself entering for “Best Cultured Dog”, “Most Traveled Dog”, “Best-Looking Dog”, “Dog Who Hosts the Best Parties”, etc. I’ll have to send them those recommendations sometime..
Anyway, stay tuned for my acceptance speech video coming soon.
Keeping on the theme of an ‘active lifestyle’ though, the day after I found out about the award I attended WienerFest Montreal for the annual wiener dog races, costume contest, and other fun events!
However, on our way there I was surprised when Mum got us pulled over for speeding. That’s really not like her, but I guess she was just excited to get me to the race. I tried to throw some cuteness charm on the cop, but I guess he wasn’t really a dog person.
Nothing like a nice speeding ticket to kick off your day!
Although this laid heavily on Mum’s mind, Dad and I were all game-face. We arrived at the park and walked around a bit, making appearances and greeting fans who were eager to get their picture snapped with me.
I licked one lady’s hand and she told me she’d never wash it again. That’s the kind of fan devotion I like to see. And one fan even recognized me by my anchor nose mark alone!
The first event I participated in was the costume contest. People really liked my Royal Mountie outfit that I wore on Canada Day, so I figured I would ‘tour it around’ a bit and wear it here. I guess it was a good choice though, because I won.
Then it was time for the races. After having already placed 3rd in the Ottawa Wiener Dog Races and having just won the Petties award, I had high hopes.

I did well in the qualifying round, and went on to the semi-finals.
Here is the video of the semi-finals where I slid across the finish line for first!
Then it was onto the finals, which unfortunately didn’t go as well.
With the speeding ticket still fresh in Mum’s mind, I think she was in an overly prudent mood, because she delayed slightly when releasing me upon hearing the starter gun. With the track not being very long, those precious milliseconds cost me the race.
However, I can’t say it’s all Mum’s fault. I acknowledge some blame myself for not catching up and passing them. Actually, that’s a slight weakness of mine for racing. I am a little timid of other dogs, and if I don’t come out ahead and stay ahead, I’m hesitant to pass those in front of me.
Anyway, in truth I think I probably needed this defeat. It gave my recent ego some needed ‘grounding’.
And win or lose, I still get to enjoy my squeaky ball at the end!
To make things better still, that night I got to stay in a nice hotel with Mum and Dad for a relaxing evening. Here’s me getting checked in:
I told Mum that she would be sleeping on the floor for her poor performance, and that I would be taking her place in the bed. Although, after an hour or so I started to feel bad considering what she went through that morning, so I let her sleep on the foot of the bed instead – with one pillow.
Then, a bit later I had the pleasure of watching myself on the 6:00 news from the comfort of Mum’s spot in the bed!
(Ego back to cruising altitude!)
So there you have it folks, a few ups and downs but overall a great day. After all, it’s about having fun – and I had lots of it. To all the fans I met there, it was a pleasure meeting you, and to all I’ve yet to meet, I hope one day we may.
Now, being called ‘the most interesting dog in the world’ leaves me a lot to live up to. However, in just the past few days I’ve noticed Mum and Dad calling around to all these strange places and scheduling out-of-the-ordinary vet checkups.
I don’t know, but I’m starting to get a whiff of ‘vacation’ in the air. (I better be nicer to Mum if I want to come!)
This should be “interesting”…
Keep ballin’,
~ Crusoe
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