Europe Trip Part 5: Full Video!

Here we are, the final episode of my Europe Trip. I’ve been back home for about a week now, and although I’ve been relaxing, I’ve also been heavily involved critiquing Dad from over his shoulder as he put the following video together. In other words, I’m the director/producer/editor/creator and star of the video – Dad just does the monkey work.

So drop whatever you’re doing and set aside 9 minutes of your time to watch my full Europe Trip video below!

Hope you enjoyed my time in Europe as much as I did!

10984160_10152941081518597_1082566923554702880_nNow for a Couple Quick Updates:

I would love to relax a bit more following all that traveling, but alas, I live the life of a celebrity. Tomorrow, Saturday June 20th, I will be making a grand appearance at Wienerfest in Embro Ontario with my brother Oakley to meet the fans, take some pics, showcase our new unseen costumes, and take part in the races.

Hope you can make it out to see me!

Also don’t forget, only a few days left to get yourself a “Paws Up!” shirt which features my brother Oakley. I wasn’t too pleased to see that I was not included on this shirt, but I decided to let Oakley have his little moment…

Available in a bunch of different styles and colours!


Get yours here before June 23!

I have a busy schedule ahead! Stay tuned for more adventures to come!

Keep travelin’,

~ Crusoe

Did you enjoy the video? Please “like” this post! 🙂

Keep ballin’,


