Welcome to the behind-the-scenes and the making of my FINALE episode of the season, and also my biggest production yet! This episode featured multiple custom sets, special effects, and STUNTS - done by my stunt double, who happens to be my brother Oakley!
So before we get to how it was made, let's rewatch the episode here!
So, although my brother Oakley only had a short appearance in this episode as the techy-black-hat-stay-in-the-van guy...

...He was actually in the episode a LOT when you consider all the stunts he did!
I usually do my own stunts, but sometimes Oakley just has that...
extra enthusiasm for things like that. In a way, it's almost as if I understand a bit
too much that what I'm doing is choreographed for a video, while Oakley on the other hand, is more easily able to put "reality" aside, and just live in the excitement of the moment with total disregard for danger.
In other words, he would chase a ball off a bridge if he wanted it bad enough!
So, in the second scene where I jump out of the plane and then fall through the sky, that was actually Oakley! Here he is recording the running jump first on green screen, and then the edited version.

A squeaky ball on the other end of the green track and Oakley took off like a bullet! And a little green bump in the middle allowed for us to make it look like he "jumped" out!
Then for the actual skydiving part. Once again, Oakley! This one was mainly because he has bigger, floppier ears than me!
With camera from above pointing straight down, Dad laid Oakley across his knees, and just gave him a little "wobble". The humans always say he feels like a piece of cooked spaghetti in their arms anyway, so he was pretty good fit for the role.

Then it was time for the rooftop scene, where Tom Crusoe jumped between buildings. This is what it looked like:

How did we do it? We built two big blocks with faux brick panels.

Even though Oakley is virtually fearless when it comes to the prospect of attaining cookies or toys, and even though the jump was actually quite an easy one for him, we still piled a box full of pillows between just in case he miscalculated something (like he often does in his taxes)! ;)

And of course, he never missed a jump or his footing. The surface was also made with sand-particle paint for grip.

For some reason, he even CHOSE to do the wider jump! (since those two set pieces were angle outward at the camera).
He had a good nap after all his stuntin'!

When it came time for the rooftop
running scene, this was a job for ME! Since as you see, Oakley can be quite "gung-ho", and is great for those controlled-but-excitable little stunts as above, but when it comes to running around an open rooftop, Dad only trusts ME for that.

Even though I listen to Dad virtually 99% of the time, we still had two spotters there with us on the roof, and Dad carried me whenever he wasn't directly working with me. All the extra precautions seemed unnecessary as I know what the heck I'm doing, but I agree, better to be safe!

Many of you asked about the little hop I do, often skipping holding up my back-right leg. No, this has nothing to do with my back surgery a couple years ago. I've done this since a pup, and it seems to be a quirk in the kneecap (supposedly can be common for dachshunds and their extra-small legs). It doesn't bother me, and is more habit than anything.
As you know, this episode featured my favorite, gal, Paisley! (Even though she double-crossed me in this one!)

In fact, she was extra sneaky, even posing as the mailman to deliver me her contrived "mission briefing" for me to follow.

That was a tricky little scene to put together, and an awkward-looking one, for sure.
The neighbors must have been really puzzled that day...

In the episode, she steals all the toys from the factory, leaving me with just a cell phone, which subsequently rings with a call from Paisley. I answer, and she begins to reveal the story of her treachery.
But while Dad was trying to get shots of me looking at the phone as if listening to her call, I just decided to hang up on her instead!

I guess that could have been an alternate ending!
But there was one toy Paisley forgot to grab, which is one of my all-time favorite toys. I have different favorite toys depending on the situation, but my 'cookie toy' is one of my classic favorites, especially in evenings or nighttime when I just want a gentle squeak, or am feeling grumpy.

So I'm happy I found that one!
And that about wraps it up for my 12th and final episode of the season!
My brother Oakley has now gone back home to his parents, but I'll be seeing him again at the holidays, after my
book tour and vacation in Florida, that is!

Thank you all for watching! And thank you all for voting for me in the People's Choice Awards. Should find out the winners on Nov 11th!
And hope to see many of you on tour as well! And if you aren't able to see me on tour, you can still claim a free pawtograph for your book
right here.
With all the hubbub around the book, don't forget my equally awesome
2019 calendar collection as well! Featuring a wall calendar, mini calendar, planner, and daily calendar with 365 pics!!

Thanks fans!
Keep runnin',
~ Crusoe