Chef Crusoe: Tagliata Di Manzo [Video]

Continuing on from Part 1 in my Italian Series Cooking Videos, following the delicious recipes of our favorite chef (and Mum’s crush), Gino D’Acampo, in this episode Chef Crusoe prepares “tagliata di manzo” – which essentially means, sliced steak.

All this is, of course, in preparation for my trip to Europe, where I’ll be spending a week in beautiful Italy, as well as some time in France and Switzerland as well. I leave in just a couple days, and I absolutely can’t wait!

So put aside whatever important matters you may be doing and watch this dog cook a steak!

As Gino would say, “fantastico!

Crusoe Cooking Steak Italian Stagliata

I hope you’re as excited as I am for my Europe trip! Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to take lots of pictures.

51obIjfT0zL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_For more recipes by Italian chef Gino D’Acampo, check out his amazing cookbook here.

(Mum is a BIG fan, let me tell you…)

And if you’re looking for another sexy chef with black hair and dark brown eyes, don’t forget that MY (Chef Crusoe’s) book is currently available on pre-order and features MY OWN fun recipes in “cookbook-style”, as well as many other intrepid adventures and stories!

Keep olive-oilin’,

~ Crusoe

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Keep ballin’,


